Оливия Манн Говорит, что отказалась от Семизначной суммы после «Травмирующего» инцидента на съемочной площадке: «Я просто чувствовала, что это было неправильно».

В откровенном разговоре о подкасте Моники Левинский Оливия Мунн рассказала о сложном инциденте, произошедшем на съемочной площадке. Хотя она не раскрыла фильм или точные детали, она обсудила, как студия предложила существенное урегулирование-в миллионы, но только если она согласилась на соглашение о неразглашении (NDA). Тем не менее, она решила не подписывать его.

По ее собственным словам, она заявила, что ей пришлось подать жалобы со студией, что привело к ряду других связанных вопросов. В конце концов, все усилилось до такой степени, что они предложили ей значительную сумму денег, по -видимому, в качестве формы извинений и признания этой проблемы. Однако эта компенсация поступила с соглашением о неразглашении (NDA).

Although the amount was substantial, Munn found himself uneasy about approving the agreement. «In truth, I wouldn’t discuss this matter at all, as I wanted to move on. However, I made it clear that I wouldn’t sign an NDA, and they insisted I must.

The actress, well-known for voicing industry concerns, shared that the incident occurred during the initial phase of the #MeToo movement, a time when survivors who signed Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs) were frequently criticized. «I simply felt it was so unjust,» she expressed. «This was the era, and this was when those who had signed NDAs were being accused, ‘You only did it for the money,’ so I was worried that speaking up might undermine any credibility attached to my voice.

Munn had concerns that the studio might breach their Non-Disclosure Agreement intentionally to tarnish her reputation. After consulting with a lawyer, she decided not to sign the agreement during the meeting, and expressed pride in her decision later on. «I recall feeling incredibly proud when I left—so proud of myself» she stated.

Pondering over her action, Munn acknowledged it was driven by anger, yet she remained firm in her decision. «To be honest, I didn’t even consider negotiation. All I could focus on was how disrespectful that felt.

As a passionate cinephile, I’ve never shied away from speaking out against misconduct within the Hollywood sphere. Back in 2017, I bravely accused director Brett Ratner of sexual harassment, recounting an incident where he allegedly exposed himself on the set of After the Sunset. More recently, in 2018, I raised my voice when I uncovered that director Shane Black had cast a registered sex offender in The Predator, ultimately leading to the actor’s exclusion from the movie.

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2025-02-20 17:14